This is me


Jordi Mauri Solé

Background & Qualifications:


I was born in Barcelona in 1974. I studied at Barcelona and at Tarragona’s university, where I graduated in law in 1998.

I am a Spanish lawyer registered with the number 9114 Alicante’s Law Society.

I am a sole practitioner, but I collaborate with some colleagues when the matter requires it.

I have been practicing law since the year 2000.

Learning English in the UK:


After university I wanted to learn proper English. I was unsuccessful in learning it at school or any private academy I attended. So, I decided to go to the best place to learn English: The United Kingdom. As I had family there, getting to the UK was the easiest part. Learning English was a challenge, but I finally achieved fluency after spending a year and a half in Bath. During that time, I worked in hotels and restaurants, getting to know the country and its people, whom I love. The weather, however, I didn’t love as much.


Back to Spain:


After learning proper English and despite my desire to stay in the UK, I had an injury that took me half a year to recover from. I decided to recover in Spain, as I couldn’t work during that time. I then began practicing real estate law with several lawyers in the Alicante region and after a couple of years I started my own firm. So, I decided to stay in Spain, where I’ve been practicing for more than 20 years, mainly focusing on property, inheritance, and taxes-related matters.


Spanish law made simple. Communication: Explain, Explain, and Explain:


When I started working, I realized there was (and still is) a significant gap between all the existing legal information and the people who needed it. When I explain things to my clients, I do my best to ensure they understand everything related to their situation, even the most complex legal matters. Sometimes it isn’t easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding when the clients tell me, «I feel better now. I feel more reassured.» That’s the best part: making other people feel better, regardless of their legal concerns. This is why I believe that the best thing I do is speak English. As a lawyer, I’m capable of explaining and handling legal issues that foreign individuals encounter in Spain. 

Brexit is still a challenge we deal with daily. Administration and procedures are becoming more complicated, and we’re all constantly learning


Avda. Maisonave, 41  3-B
03003 - Alicante (España)


+34 699 309 729
