por Jordi Mauri Solé | Feb 25, 2019 | Inheritance, Legal, News, Taxes
Update on Inheritance and Donation Tax in Spain and Brexit. Old advice on Inheritance and Donation Tax after Brexit I recently published two articles about Brexit and Inheritance Tax which you can read here and here, advising that making donations of Spanish property...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Feb 10, 2019 | Consumers, Legal, News
The EUCJ decided on the December the 21st of 2016 Ruling on some queries made by Spanish courts regarding the possibility to force the banks which applied abusive floor clauses to customers to pay back to them all the monies that the banks charged as excessive...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Dic 17, 2018 | Conveyancing, Legal, News, Taxes
Current situation on the plusvalia tax in the Spanish conveyancing system Introduction The plusvalia tax is a complex and delicate issue from a legal point of view. Below, I have tried to give a simplified summary of the current situation. I also give my adive if you...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Dic 5, 2018 | Inheritance, Legal, News, Taxes
Brexit is coming Yes. Finally, Brexit is definitely coming but I feel like nobody is really sure about how is it going to taste. That is why I would like to give some good news for the tax wise people. Inheritance Tax before Brexit Nobody knows whether will be a...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Nov 4, 2018 | Consumers, Legal, News
Early Cancellation Stipulation The European Union Court of Justice’s General Attorney recommends to delcare them null and void in full. The consequence is that this stipulation do not exist. But the rest of the contract remains in force. You can read the article in...