por Jordi Mauri Solé | May 21, 2020 | Consumers, Legal
Insolvency of individuals, bankruptcy: check if you are elegible for debt relief Do you want to know more about the insolvency of individuals Act? The Spanish insolvency of individuals’ Act or Bankruptcy was passed on 2015. Since then debtors in good faith can get a...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | May 9, 2020 | Consumers, Legal, News
This article tries to explain the exceptional Spanish government measures to protect consumers during the COVID-19 regarding package travel. Updated information to May the 14th 2020. Travelling impossible due to COVID-19 The new regulations could be against the UE law...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Abr 12, 2020 | Legal, News
This articles comments on the use of governments of individuals personal data, including location data, to fight COVID-19. Emergency estate context In the emergency days we are living authorities must act using all the powers they have or might have due to the...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Abr 7, 2020 | Consumers, Legal, News
This article tries to explain the exceptional Spanish government measures to protect consumers during the COVID-19. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to new regulations of May the 22nd 2020 the 14 caelndar days term to apply for the cancellation of the contract by the consumer...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Abr 6, 2020 | Consumers, Legal, News
During this emergency time regulations are also in emergency. This article tries to explain easily the Spanish government measures with regards to mortgages and rent and other loans with no guarantee during COVID-19 emergency time. COVID-19 Spanish basic...
por Jordi Mauri Solé | Mar 30, 2020 | Legal, News
This article talks about the consequences of COVID-19 measures’ on child/ren’s joint custody and visiting rights of separated or divorced couples. COVID-19 and family law warning Family law is not an area of my expertise. However, I think it is useful to...