
Spanish property Non Resident Income Tax

Spanish property Non Resident Income Tax

  This article answer to some Frequent Asked Questions about the Non Residents Income Tax with regards to property in Spain.   What is the non-resident income tax? Tax on income obtained by non-tax residents in Spain. It is a Spanish direct tax on any kind...

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  This article outlines the elements of a sale and purchase contract in Spanish law, including the principle of consent, and examines their role within the process of a property transaction. Also covered in the article is the nature of the property transfer. I...

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Plusvalia update again

Plusvalia update again

  New situation of the plusvalia tax.   State of the art of the plusvalia tax in Spain In this post I refer to the situation of the plus valia tax. We recalled that the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court had established that the plusvalia tax was not...

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What happens with the IRPH

What happens with the IRPH

  EUCJ General Attorney conclusions on the IRPH official mortgage rate in Spanish mortgages. IRPH. What is that? IRPH stands for “Índice de Referencia de Préstamos Hipotecarios” and it is one of the official interest rates applicable by banks to mortgages after...

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Early cancellation stipulation final outcome

Early cancellation stipulation final outcome

  The Spanish Supreme Court ruling of September the 11th 2019 settles definitely the early cancellation stipulation issue included usually in all the consumers’ mortgage contracts. The end of the story? I think so. The Supreme Court ruling is very clear and fair...

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Floor clauses modification “agreements”?

Floor clauses modification “agreements”?

  Many banks forced “agreements” with clients trying to eliminate the floor clauses in exchange to better interest rates but without paying all the monies overpaid by consumers back or paying back just a small amount. The validity of these agreements is expecting...

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Right to a fair trial

Right to a fair trial

  Case law. A default mortgage payments lead to an eviction procedure. The procedure was not notified at all to the owners until the property was repossessed by the bank. This is an interesting case law I had the honour to deal with. Facts The facts were as...

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New plusvalia update

New plusvalia update

  Current situation of the plusvalia tax specially in the Valencian Region State of the art of the plusvalia tax in Spain In this post I tried to explain what was the plusvalia situation back then. Summarizing brutally the history was as follows:   The...

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03003 - Alicante (España)


+34 699 309 729
